Jamie Claypool is a Practice Management Consultant whose career spans over 25 years with service to the Austin, Houston, Dallas, and major Texas medical communities. Ms. Claypool holds a board certification in medical practice management from the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACMPE). A former adjunct faculty member of the University of Houston at Clear Lake School of Business and Public Administration, Ms. Claypool taught group practice management, medical reimbursement, billing and coding. She continues to serve as an advisor to the university’s undergraduate program in healthcare administration.
Ms. Claypool has been a speaker for the Texas Medical Association, the Texas Hospital Association, the Texas Medical Group Management Association and the Professional Association of Health Care Office Managers (PAHCOM). She is a member of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), The Medical Group Management Association nationally and in Texas. She is a certified professional coder (CPC) through the American Academy of Professional Coders and Certified Professional Medical Auditor (CMPA).
Ms. Claypool has been quoted and authored numerous articles including those for the Journal of Family Practice Management, Young Physicians Magazine, and the Dallas Medical Journal. She has managed and consulted with both small and large practices throughout her career. Ms. Claypool received her undergraduate degree from Southern Connecticut State University. Ms. Claypool resides in Spicewood, Texas with her husband. Her hobbies include cooking, yoga and traveling.